Hydrangea paniculata 'Dvppinky' (Pinky Winky)
Panicle Hydrangea

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Height: 1.5-2 m
Width: 1.5 m
Habit: shrub, upright
Foliage: dark green
Flowers: white - pink - deep pink, cone-shaped, 30-40 cm large, VII-IX

  • SOIL


Blooms white in early Summer till August when gradually starts turning pink from the bottom, till change to a darker, pinkish-red in Autumn, if planted in a sunny, slightly shaded location.


Sun - partial shade, medium moist, medium rich soil. Most adaptable of all Hydrangeas to different soil types.


Prune in early Spring by cutting back up to 1/3 - 1/2 of the stems and completely cut off the small branches.