Juniperus communis 'Stricta'
Common Juniper

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Height: 3-4 m
Width: 0.4 m
Habit: narrow, columnar
Foliage: green

  • SOIL


Planted in groups or as solitaire. With age becomes denser, broader and conical with branch tips sticking out irregularly.


Sun - partial shade, medium moist, well-drained, medium rich, slightly acid (pH 5,5-6) soil. Not recommended heavy and very rich soil. Moderate drought tolerance. Tolerates city conditions if planted in improved soil and with good care (mulching, watering).


Can be trimmed, if needed (IVe-Vb). Cover with agricultural shade net in Spring to avoid sunburn. It's recommend to tie up columnar shape with a cord to prevent side branches from bending under heavy snow.